2 Reasons to Consider Propane

Choosing to heat your home or business with propane is a very good idea, mostly because it can provide many different benefits. A few of the reasons to consider propane heating are if you live in a remote area or want a backup heating solution. Live in a Remote Area One of the biggest benefits provided by propane is that it is ideal for use if you live in a remote area. [Read More]

Making A Light-Up Alcohol Bottle Lamp For Your Bar

If you are looking for a fun way to decorate your bar area, using your used bottles to turn into colorful lamps is a wonderful way to show off your area in style. This is a relatively simple project to do as it requires no knowledge of electricity and doesn't involve any heavy-duty tools or equipment. Here are some instructions for you to use to make your own light-up alcohol bottle lamp collection for your bar. [Read More]

Two Reasons Why Solar Panels Are A Great Investment

If you've been thinking about switching to using solar energy for your home, you're not alone.  More and more people are choosing to use solar energy because it can not only help to reduce monthly energy bills, solar energy is also a renewable energy source that is good for the environment.  However, you may still have some hesitations concerning whether or not solar panels will be a sound investment for you. [Read More]

Got A Propane Tank In Your Yard? Four Creative Ways To Make It Blend In

You love your propane heating system. But what you don't love so much is that big old tank sitting on your property. Why not follow the lead of many cities that are camouflaging their city service boxes? Here are four creative ways to make that oversize metal yard ornament blend in. On the options that require digging around your tank, make sure you know where your propane and other utility lines are located before you start. [Read More]